Thursday, September 22, 2011

Architectural Styles

 In the architectural styles project we were assigned a type or architect and we did research and later presented to the class about that style of architect. I was assigned to do Tudor Architecture wich was invented during the 1600`s to the 1800`s and is still famous today.

  1. I learned the different architect buildings around the world  and also learned the history of tudor architecture.
  2. What i liked about this project is how we did research and presented it to each other instead of everyone doing research of all buildings by themselves. 
  3. I didnt dislike anything about this project it was  a decently fun project.
  4. what I would do differently is to figure out what needs to be in the project to be included instead of being told to research withouth knowing on what ot research on and where to start. But overall it was a fun project.

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